How to Donate

Donate via Paypal! You can also make your donation online using our Paypal account and your credit card. Just click on the donation link above to begin the process. Pay with your bank account, credit card or PayPal account balance without sharing your financial information. It’s quick, easy and totally secure. None of your financial information is retained by PALS. We appreciate knowing what prompted you to make a donation today, so include a reason under “additional notes.” If you would like to sponsor a cat please put their name under “additional notes.”

You can help our cats and kittens by purchasing items from our Amazon Wishlist. Our list also includes items to keep our cats and kittens entertained as well as essential cleaning items. The shelter is always in need of bleach, laundry and dish detergents, rubber gloves, and Swiffer supplies.

Canned kitten and cat food for our foster homes or gift cards to PetSmart are always appreciated.

For a complete list of our most-used items, please visit our Wish List.

When shopping, please go to AmazonSmile and select PALS as your preferred charity (Your Account- Your Charity). PALS receives a donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation and it doesn’t cost you a thing!